
The Remarkable Rise Of E-Bikes

| 31 August 2022

More Than One Million Expected To Sell In 2022

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There are trends, and then there are movements. What’s happening right now with electric bicycles is most certainly the latter.

Sure, e-bike sales had been steadily climbing in the 2010s, but the last three years has seen a spectacular surge. It’s easy to see why. The pandemic forced the entire planet to stay home, and bicycles came to the rescue, providing an excellent source of socially distanced fitness and spirit-lifting recreation. Bike sales shot up 65% between 2019 and 2020, according to the New York Times.

But now, in 2022, with millions of people returning to the office, the daily commute is being seen in a whole new light. With unusually high gas prices piling on top of the typical traffic headaches, e-bikes have gone mainstream. They’ve captured the hearts and minds of the masses who crave a healthier and more cost-effective mode of transportation.

The stats tell it all. In 2021, U.S. sales of electric cars and trucks totaled 608,000. E-bike sales? Estimated at more than 880,000. Edward Benjamin of the Light Electric Vehicle Association predicts more than 1 million e-bikes will fly off the shelves this year, and Electrek reports that in Europe, at some point this decade, e-bikes will outsell all vehicle sales, including gas and electric.

But hey, should anyone be surprised? When the benefits are this plentiful…

  1. Increased heart rate & muscle build
  2. Increased mental health
  3. Less time in traffic
  4. Less money spent on gas
  5. Reduced carbon footprint’s easy to see why the e-bike phenomenon is just getting started.

Are you ready to reap the rewards of an electric bicycle? There’s no better place start than with Yamaha, creators of the world’s first electrically power assisted bicycle and the most trusted name in the industry. Join the movement.