
How much money can you save by cycling to work?

| 22 March 2023

It Adds Up Fast

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Ready to push back on all that sticker shock you’ve been feeling at the gas pump? The solution is in your hands (and feet). If you’ve been looking for extra motivation to start biking to work, this just might do the trick.

The good folks over at have crunched the numbers on how much money the typical commuter can save by choosing bicycle vs. car, and the savings are significant.

In a nutshell, you’re looking at saving between $350-$1,000 a month. Of course, there are a handful of variables involved, such as:

  • Distance to workplace
  • Tolls
  • Parking costs
  • Auto insurance

But even if you’re not paying tolls or parking fees, there’s no denying the savings stack up fast.

Between using less gas and reducing the need for oil changes & maintenance, you’re already coming out ahead. Plus, most insurance companies give discounts if you drive your car less than 7,000 miles annually—another way to save.

Now, for most people, cycling to work is no small task, if it’s possible at all. With the average commute time for Americans at nearly 28 minutes, most of us live many miles from our jobs, so it’s certainly not feasible for everyone.

But, if you are within biking distance, and you’ve got the leg power, the right bike, and the desire to save hundreds of dollars each month, it’s time to saddle up!