The Yamaha Evolution
Today, Yamaha is recognized as a pioneering leader in ebikes with over 2 million bicycles and 4 million drive units created to empower our customers.
It’s with excitement and great anticipation that our Yamaha Power Assist Bicycles will become available to US outdoor enthusiasts looking for new adventure and excitement. Yamaha Power Assist Bicycles provide superior e-bike technology, reliability, and PURE RIDE performance.
Over 4 Million Drive
Units used worldwide
Over 2 Million Yamaha
e-bikes sold in Japan
Today, Yamaha is recognized as a pioneering leader in ebikes with over 2 million bicycles and 4 million drive units created to empower our customers.
It’s with excitement and great anticipation that our Yamaha Power Assist Bicycles will become available to US outdoor enthusiasts looking for new adventure and excitement. Yamaha Power Assist Bicycles provide superior e-bike technology, reliability, and PURE RIDE performance.

Yamaha created first prototype in 1989.

Sales of the world-first PAS bicycle began in 1993 in Japan. The concept of an electrically power assisted bicycle would later spread worldwide.
A detachable nickel-cadmium battery was adopted along with a new charger with a refresh-charge function.

Intelligent Flexible Energy System (IFES) was developed. This enabled data exchange between the battery, charger and controller.

Lightweight, compact center-mounted drive unit with efficient direct-to-chain assist was developed. Non-contact torque sensor was developed to lighten pedaling when the battery is empty.

Along with the introduction of our Brace model, we reached our 1 million bicycles sold. Creation of our Brace model was a response to consumers asking for sportier recreation bicycle with Yamaha PAS technology.

The Triple Sensor System was introduced to the all-new PWseries, providing a smoother and more enjoyable ride. The increased precision of the assist control results in the most “natural and organic” pedaling feel available in ebike technology today.

New Concept YPJ-R light weight road bike was introduced in Japan.

Along with the introduction of our YPJ-C model in Japan, we reached our 2 million bicycles sold.