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Display, Controller & Battery

Yamaha's 25 years of experience creating industry-leading e-bike technology is evident in our latest computer interface and battery systems.

Display & Controller

Created tough to fit the demands of hard riding, our computer interface is designed so that you can concentrate on the ride.

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Battery & Charger

Yamaha 500Wh lithium-ion pack incorporates our latest technology in battery engineering. Our large-capacity cells last longer and maintains the recharging properties.

A Battery that Fits You

Enhancing Your Rides

Our side-exiting design affords our frame design team the opportunity to manipulate the dimensions of the bicycle to stabilize the front wheel on steep hills and create greater handling control for active rider movements.

On the Go

Locked in place during your ride, the battery is stealthy and quiet in its anti-vibration docking station. Removing the battery will reveal our integrated hand carry which makes it easy to transport away from the bike.


Automatic Support Mode for all-round Sports and Trail

Examples of “Automatic Support Mode” application Support mode changes automatically